Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ôde aux français: SEVERINE!

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Severine est celle qui remporte le titre incontesté d'ambassadeure de France au Québec (et non au Canada, on le sait!)

Mère attentive de Kanata et blonde du beau Florian, Severine peut compter parmi ses MULTIPLES qualités, un sens particulier de l'accueil et un don inné pour organiser les soirées entre amis les plus réussis.

Comme une étincelle, Sevrine peut à la fois offrir une lueur de sagesse ou faire exploser une discussion politique. Son caractère fort offre un bon défi à n'importe qui veut avoir une bonne discussion et je m'en régal!

Intelligente, drôle, belle, accueillante, charmante... ou tout simplement : Severine.

Alors, aujourd'hui se termine la dédicace aux français. Mais revenez souvent, les photos vont continuer, et les histoires aussi. Et pour vous, chers amis français, c'est avec un grand plaisir que je vous compte parmi mes amis! Cela est un exploit, car le terme "ami" en est un que je n'utilise plus très libéralement.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ôde aux français: FLORIAN!

Flo, le roi du Tarot!
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Florian, c'est le mâle de la gang. Ça, c'est certain. PERSONNE, mais personne, ne pourra jamais rivaliser Florian, ni au tarot, ni au hockey, ni du point de vue de la personnalité et de l'intelligence.

Quand Florian est dans le coin, on est 100% assuré de bien s'amuser, il a toujours le sourire, même quand il pense qu'il est entrain de mourir d'un infarctus. J'ai rarement vue quelqu'un, non, correction, je n'ai jamais rencontré quelqu'un d'aussi sympathique de toute ma vie. Florian met vraiment à défi le stéréotype du "Maudit français". Oui, on est tous d'accord, Sev, tu es la plus chanceuse de la gang!

La qualité que j'apprécie le plus chez Florian, et elle est très rare, c'est que j'ai jamais l'impression d'être le fif à ses yeux. Il est très rare de pouvoir passer du temps avec des gars straights et de ne pas sentir qu'il y a quelconque sentiment d'appréhension ou d'inégalité. Jamais, avec Florian! Quoique, juste à être assis à côté de lui on se sent déjà plus macho, alors peut-être que c'est un effet d'osmose, qui sait!

Demain, la finale : SEVERINE :)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ôde aux français: Camille!

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Faire appeler son roi de coeur par Camille au Tarot ne peux être signe que d'une chose: c'est la fin! ;)

Ok ok, j'exagère un peu, mais bon, on ne peut pas tous êtres comme Florian et Markis! Par contre si Camille n'est pas la meilleure au Tarot (et ça reste à voir) elle est la gagnante pour les "cakes" français. Sans doute la meilleure, capable de tirer la vedette de n'importe quel gâteau aux bananes et bières, hors de tout doute!

Et je peux blaguer un peu, parce que Camille à un sens d'humour extraordinaire! Oui, elle rit à mes blagues, c'est claire qu'elle est d'intelligence supérieures et de goûts rafinés!

Tout le monde aime Camille, on ne peut pas faire autrement, car comme je lui ai déjà dit, et ça vaut la peine de le répéter, elle n'est pas juste belle, elle est intelligente, fine et adorable!

Demain, Sev ou Flo?

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ôde aux français: Kanata

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Je vous présente la petite kanata! Partie intégrale du groupe! Elle n'est cependant pas née en France, mais plutôt au canada. Sa citoyenneté francaise découle du faît que ses parents adoptifs sont tous deux de france. Heureusement, tonton Gabriel demeure son lien avec ses origines. Coyez moi, Gabriel va tout faire pour que Kanata se souvienne de ses racines!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ôde aux français: Markis

Aujourd'hui, c'est au tour du beau Markis. (Je m'excuse d'avance, je devine que je fais des conneries avec ton nom, mais tu en parleras à Severine, elle pourra te dire comment faire pour t'en remettre).

Et oui, je l'ai dit, je l'admet, le Beau Markis. Si Marie m'intoxique par son sourire et sa personalité, Markis vient me chercher par sa voix grave, son rire profond, etc! (Surtout, le etc)

Le seul de notre groupe étant capable de vraiment faire peur à Florian au Tarot, gare à celui qui appel le roi de Markis avec des cartes de merde!

Lui aussi ce n'est que de passage qu'on le connait, mais, je suis toujours très content de le savoir parmi nous! J'oserais même avouer que je l'aime bien, mais je pense que son coeur macho ne serait quoi faire d'un tel aveu, alors je ne vais pas le dire.

Revenez demain, la prochaine victime... une surprise!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ôde aux français: MARIE

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Il y a un peu plus d'un an, ma vie à été bouleversé par la venue de nouveaux immigrants au Canada. Tous issue de la France, jamais j'aurais imaginé que je puisse trouver autant de bons amis, d'un seul trait.

Alors aujourd'hui, je commence une série d'articles pour rendre honneur à ces bonnes gens de la France, ou comme on les appelle si souvent ici : Les Français!

La première victime, comme vous pouvez voir ici, c'est Marie. Marie est celle que l'on voit probablement le moins souvent de toute la bande, puisqu'elle réside toujours en France. D'ailleurs, chaque fois qu'elle retourne en France, je suis toujours très surpris, puisqu'elle est tellement intégré au groupe que c'est comme si elle était toujours avec nous.

Marie, c'est une flamme qui danse sans arrêt, qui à constamment le sourire aux lèvres et, je ne sais pourquoi, réussie toujours à me faire sourire. Marie, aussi connue sous le nom de Serge, à le don de semer de l'énergie et le bonheur à grand sourire (et à coup de téquila!)

Sans Marie, on aurait jamais sue comment commander convenablement un combo au Subway ou faire des voyages organisés avec des chinois.

Elle accentue notre petit groupe, et je crois que nous l'apprécions tous. Il y aura toujours une petite place à Montréal pour notre Serge.

Revenez demain, c'est au tour de : Marc-I!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Who knew one could find such cutie pies at Tim Hortons? Actually, our first official "Date" 4 years ago, was at the Tim Hortons on Mount Royal.

So long ago, yet it feels like yesturday.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My Car

My Car
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Not the best photo, but you asked for it, you got it!

Many of you have requested that I post a picture of my car, its about time, considering that I bought it in November. So, here it is. I present you my "Cocotte".

She is a lovely Mazda Protégé 2002 LX 2.0 with currently 83 500km. I have managed to put 6000km since November. Not too shabby. My mother would be proud.

I know I had sworn I would never own a vehicle, but living downtown and working in Kirkland for the past 2 years has made it necessary. I used to waste 3 hours a day to get to work on public transit. But with the car, I can do it all in less than 1/2 that time.

So now, I can sleep until 7:`15 in the morning, instead of waking up at 6:30. BIG BIG difference. And I will not talk about the freedom that owning a car has brought. OH MY GOD

But I have not completely abandoned my environmental side. I have started carpooling. Something that nobody at work ever considered.

I am also now partaking in activities that make my hair stand on end : oil changes, tire changes, visits to the garage, and oh good lord, I need to put windshield washer fluid in the car this week, and I have no idea where it goes. I`m so gay, its scary.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
You know Christmas is really over when the office is giving away free poinsettias. Elisabeth was taking a few home, and I high jacked one of them before she left to take snap a few shots.

the past few days. Actually, I'm not even Sorry I posted so late, but I have been busy beyond beliefwriting this blog from my computer, I'm actually at James's place watching a movie with him and eddy. We are watching Bring It On . If you have not seen this movie, i strongly suggest it. I have seen it about 50 times and i know almost all the dialogue by heart. It rules. its almost as good as Legally Blonde.

So yeah, curling is in full swing, my teams won 3 in a row, so tomorrow night I'm hopping we can pull the 4th one in a row. Go Team Robichaud! I'm playing in two leagues this year, Montreal West Curling Club and at the Royal Montreal Curling Club.

Another exciting thing is that I am finally starting my MBA, in 11 days. Woo hooooo! The school sent me some prep material, so I already have tons of reading to do. Oh and did I mention that it's crunch time at work.

All of this is pretty awesome. I feel alive.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dangerous Duo

Dangerous Duo
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
I love this photo. The angle makes these two objects look so dangerous and scary. Probably one of my favorite pictures just because of how odd the subjects of the photo are.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Weird Lamppost downtown

Weird Lamppost downtown
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Not too far from my curling club there is a bunch of lamp posts that are multicolored year round. I tried to capture them but it was cold, and my hand was shaking too much to really get a good effect. The really problem is that I can't really control the shutter speed as much as I wish I could, but you get the general idea.

I really need an SLR.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Noël 47
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Saturday we had a diner party with "Les Français" to celebrate christmas now that we are all back together. It was a lot of fun, and I couldn`t believe how thoughtfull the gifts were. I was really touched!

I had to leave early though because I developped some weird stomache flue / headache from hell.

Apart from that, a good time was had by all!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Café Art Java

Café Art Java
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
First there was the one on The Plateau. Now there is a great coffee shop downtown as well. I think this is my new favorite hang out!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Atwater Market

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Had lunch today with James and his sisters, we then took a stroll around Atwater Market. We get an interesting perspective of the city at the Market. Defenately will be exploring this area more when the weather heats up. It was too cold to be out walking around today, so didn't really do much of it.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Graffiti sur la rue St-Dominique.

I took this picture a long time ago... well... a few months ago. If any of you out there in the blogosphere know the name of this guy, please, let me know!

I love this guy. too bad they don't show him anymore.


Thanks to my friend Rémi, I now know what the heck this is called. It comes from a cartoon called "La linea" and the little guy's name is Mister Linea or Balou.

Mystery solved!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Originally uploaded by

I love dominoes. I really do. I love the colors, I love the sound they make when you shuffle them around and I love all the things you can do with dominoes. But most of all, I love the memories they bring back.

When I was a little boy, back on the farm, my brothers and I would spend entire weekends playing with dominoes. We would line them up all over the farm house. We would start in the living room, criss-cross the room around the furniture, near the TV, up the coffee table and down again, all the way through the hall and into the large kitchen where we had lots of room to make domino pyramids, domino steps, towers, dominoes that would rest next to a ball, dominoes lined up in shapes of triangles, flowers, houses, people to finally go into the dinning room, climb up a chair then unto the big 8 place dinning table where we would line up as many dominoes as we could.

Hours were spent in quasi silence just lining up all these little pieces with the discipline of Buddhist monks. Once in a while, we would look up from our labor to make sure our end of the line was in sync with what the brothers were doing.

Oh there were problems. The slightest vibration could set the whole thing in motion, which would in turn cause a screaming match and sometimes abandon. But for the most part we would just line them up again. No matter how many times they fell.

Once we ran out of dominoes, or whenever my mother got tired of seeing all these little rectangular shapes all over her house, the time would come to reap the fruits of our labour.

Like architects unveiling their greatest works, we would announce to the whole house that it was time to topple the dominoes. The entire family would gather to watch as one of us would flick the first piece and then we would all follow the trail as the pieces toppled one after the other. First in the living-room, all around the furniture, around the TV, through the hall into the large kitchen. The Robichaud's would follow the zipping sound of falling plastic into the dinning room to watch as the final piece came to rest.

It was always anticlimactic, but it was fun nonetheless. All we had left to do was start all over again.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Last night I met James' friend Eddi over a game of dominoes and the first hour of the "People's Choice Awards".

The dominoes were fun, Eddi was great, but the Peoples Choice Awards were crap. It was basically just a big hunk of Trash with glitter sprinkled on top of it.

And whats up with Queen Latifah. She is expanding exponentially. But she is all that, and a bag of chips.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jodi and Café au lait

Jodi and Café au lait
Originally uploaded by Acadieman
Sunday I had coffee with my good friends Jodi and Jean. Both of whom are on my curling team. We had a little meeting to iron out some kinks in our game, very productive meeting at that.

As we were waiting for Jean to find his way to the coffee shop, I took a few shots and I really like this one of Jodi through the handle of my cup of Café au lait, or as they say in the USA, my Latte.

You know that bugs me. Latte! What the heck is that. Latte. ITS CAFÉ AU LAIT. Yet another reason why I hate $tarbuck$. I blame them for the whole Latte thing.

It's even more infuriating that I had to order a "Latte" at the Presse Café, which if i am not mistaking is a Québecois company. Well, I ordered a Café au Lait, and that's what I got.

Vive la résistance!

OK, so maybe I am over reacting a teeny tiny bit. Check out the definition of Café au lait on Wikipedia. Its all very murky.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ma mère et Sébastien

Ma mère et Sébastien
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Technically, not the best photo, but it does have a certain cuteness factor.

I'm in a weird mood today. still have a cold. The temperature is still outta wack. +1 this morning when i left for work, with freezing rain coming down. The world is outta wack. Start panicking.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Self Portrait

Self Portrait
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Here I am. This is me. 32 years old. Its starting to show I think. I'll have to use more of that Biotherm Age Fitness cream. I'll take all the help I can get ;)

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
I am so Sick! *grumble* I dont know what it is this year but I seem to be catching colds one after the other. This is my 3rd one since October. *GRUMBLE* Oh well. There is one good thing about being sick, its the perfect excuse to stay home and play video games!! YAY!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Prize winning Photo

Colourful Thumbtaks 2
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
I entered this photo on a contest in Flicker. And I won!! woo hoo :)

This shot is part of a series I am doing. I am taking all kinds of shots from objects that are around the office. You can see them all on my Flickr page.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

West Island Sunset

Sunset in Kirkland
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
I was walking through the parking lot at work to get to my car, and this caught my eye. How could it not. The sky was incredible. We rarely get such beautiful sunsets in Montreal. Or maybe I just have not been paying attention to them.

That's one thing I noticed since I got my new Camera, I actually pay attention to my environment. I look. I really look at what is around me, and I see it in a different way. I see lines, depth and colours in a way I completely ignored before. I almost feel like I am living in a heightened state, in which my senses have been awoken.

I must say, I quite like it.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bonsai Part Deux

Bonsai 2
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.

Same tree different shot. In fact the two shots are so different, I am not sure which one I like the best.

Two Bonsais. One metaphore.

Black and White.

Yet, the same tree.

I promise. No more bonsai trees.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Bonsai 1
Originally uploaded by
What a cute little tree. This is one of my favorite plants from James' indoor garden. Beautifull plant.

Today is also Day 1 at work in the new year. Looking forward to more data problems, quality checks and automatition software. Wooo hooo. Quite the exciting world I live in! Oh yeah baby!

Since October, Mathua has been leaving comments on my blog. I thought Mathua was my friend Steve in NB. Oh my. Boy did I ever make the wrong assumption about that one.

Well Mathua, your identity eludes me no longer!! Honestly, I'm happy you are reading my blog. I won't talk about why publicly, but I really do appreciate the comments. I re-read them all last night. The one you left on "Pee-shy" makes a lot of sense now.

And I aggree 100% with what you are saying.

Life has a way of teaching you intereting lessons. Some are harder to learn than others, but those are the ones you need to learn the most.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year In Bloom

Originally uploaded by gabrielrobichaud.
I had a really hard time picking the picture for the blog today. I took over 640 pictures in the past 24 hours. I really went nuts. I decided I was going to take the time to really get to know my camera. So don't be alarmed if you find a lot of freaky looking shots on flickr. Mind you, there are many many good ones.

Happy New Year.