Friday, January 13, 2006

Working hard?

Or hardly working? Today, its a bit more of the latter. Today's blog is coming to you directly from my cubicle, 1092-A. Across from me, at cubicle 1094-D, there has been lots of action of late. Somebody somewhere screwed something up and now that is in turn screwing up more things that are screwing up the lives of the inhabitants of cube 1094-D, 1092-B, 1096-F and 1094-B.

While this is going on I'm too busy trying to dodge 1074 and 1096-F because I feel that Fridays are generally not my most productive days. And in case you missed it, 1074 is the big wig. He doesn't have a letter because his work space comes with a door.

My cube, 1092-B, has no door, nor light, no privacy and no personality. I could really use one of those surprise Ikea decoration commercial people to come in and do a cubicle makeover. I think a splash of pink and a few different texture might make the place look more inviting.

Hmm... I don't know if I need it to be more inviting than it already is. 1092-B spends enough time rambling off in here as it is. I get my morning visit around 9am from 1094-B, which is usually interesting. Once in a while I'll get a prolonged visit from 1094-D which garantees me more brain farts than I can handle.

A few weeks ago one of my dearest colleagues was moved to 1090-D. Now that's at the other end of the building, in the "other" section. Although its quiet, he gets a great view of the occupant of 1088-A which, I am certain, helps make the day go by a lot faster.

Personally, I have developed a fascination for 1085-B. That helps keep my days here interesting. God forbid I would actually get some work done. Why on earth would I do that? Oh damn it. I think I have a meeting in 1072 with a bunch of cube heads, so I need to go get some more free coffee and toothpicks to help keep my eyes open for next hour.

C ya!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year

In case you lacked the inspiration required to make up your own New Year's resolution, this little bit off the web will generated one for you!

Bonne Année!
Happy New Year!
Frohes neues Jahr!

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

Reunite the Spice Girls.

Get your resolution here