Sunday, May 25, 2008

Waiting For The Bus.

I shoot these two images yesterday from the Second Cup on the corner of Milton Street and Parc Avenue. That place is definitely one of my favorite haunts in the whole wide world. The table at which we were sitting had a great view of the bus stop. Something tells me I will be returning soon.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There ain`t no mountain high enough.

THE SEMESTER IS OVER. Oh my god. I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs I'm so happy.

3 more semester left.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Only Two More To Go!

11:30pm and here I am. I should have been in bed a long long time ago. I'm exhausted! I wrote my "Camera And Light" exam tonight at school. I have 2 more exams to write and the semester is OVER and not a moment too soon. In a way it went by quickly, but in another it was long, and lots of work.

The upperclassmen keep telling us the first semester of the program is a breeze compared to the other 3. Damn. That means its just going to get worse. But I'll deal with that when I get there.

It will be nice to have my evenings to myself again. Will this mean that I will be appearing at the gym more frequently? Seeing my friends more regularly? Spending more time with James? Leveling my Warrior on World of Warcraft to level 70 before the expansion comes out? Watching TV that wasn't recorded last week on my PVR? Doing something other than studying or homework... SWEET!!!

But as bizarre as it might seem, I'm going to miss school. We have a great class. I really love my class, and I'm crossing my fingers that everyone (yes, even you Chris) will be back in the fall. It wouldn't be the same without everyone. Its so much fun to work with them.

Ok, lets see if I can get to bed.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

World Cup Of Diving Montreal 2008

Image number 2 today. Yes, you get two for the price of one. Aren't you lucky? This image is coming from the World Cup of Diving 2008 that I attended yesterday. Interesting subject matter don't you think? ;)

Vegas At night... shot from a helicopter

I know its been a while since I last posted anything, but I have been a little on the busy side. Finished my mandate with my client, went to Las Vegas, and now I'm in the middle of my finals and final assignments for school. It just does not seem to end. I promise. More photos are coming soon.

However, I'm very happy to report that I am surviving the first semester at the Dawson Photography Institute and that I will be coming out of it unscathed. So that is good. I'm already looking forward to next semester as we will be starting the real work :P

Today's Image is a nice vew of the Las Vegas Strip a bit after sunset. i shot this from a helicopter, its a little grainy, but the colors are really rich.