Thursday, May 17, 2007

Old Port of Montreal

Old Port of Montreal
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
I took this picture of the old port a few weeks ago. I really enjoy this one. It is probably my most favorite picture so far. I just enjoy the lighting so much. The composition is nice also, and the best part is that all the colors are 100% natural. I did not manipulate this photo in photoshop at all.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Florian et Sevrine

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Yet another picture. I quite like this one. I got together with Sevrine and Florian yesturday afternoon to do a photo shoot. We shot a whole bunch of portraits and I am very satisfied with many of them. I must say this is one of my favorites. It almost looks like it was shot in a studio. Its fantastic. I am very happy with this picture. You can also check out some other shots on my Flickr page, there are some nice photos of Florian and Sevrine individually as well.

Ciao amigos.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Spring... I remember learning in elementary school that spring was a season that started on March 21st and end on June 21st. Well, my teacher must have been snorting some really potent powder. It has been my experience that spring, is a season that lasts about 12 days. For example...

April 28th 2007 Temperature -2334 degrees celcius.
April 29th 2007 Temperature +5
Apri 30th 2007 temprature +7
May Temperatures:
2007/05/01 +10
2007/05/02 +12
2007/05/03 +13
2007/05/04 +14
2007/05/05 +15
2007/05/06 +16
2007/05/07 +22
2007/05/08 +25
2007/05/09 +28
2007/05/10 +28

see, 12 days to g from "oh my god i'm freezing my ass off" to "holy crap where did i put my Air Conditionner".

I love montreal weather. No spring, no fall. Just an unbearably cold winter and a scorchingly hot summer.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

ôde aux français: Sarah!

Originally uploaded by Acadieman.

Que dire de la magnifique Sarah! La qualité que j'aime le plus chez Sarah, c'est qu'elle rit de bon coeur à mes blagues poches! N'importe qui rit à mes blagues et mes commentaires sarcastiques, témoigne une intelligence supérieure, je l’ai déjà dit.

Chez Sarah, on peut trouver des talents de cuisinière, un sens de la sophistication et une honnêteté incomparable. Tout ça, rassemblé dans un corps à faire frémir l'entrejambe de bien des mecs. Comme une pomme, bonne à croquer! Avis aux intéressés

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Ôde aux français: Romain

Originally uploaded by
Et bien oui, encore des Français de France! (Au canada on dit toujours Français de France par opposition aux Français du Canada, ou franco-canadiens.)

AKA ROOTS, Romain c'est le dernier arrivé de notre petit groupe (mis à part Marc-I qui ne cesse de revenir et partir). D'une part c'est son charme, de l'autre son look intello-grano-alterno qui a fait germer notre engouement pour lui. Mais c'est sa personnalité, sa bonne humeur et son sens de l'humour qui continue à faire grandir sa place parmi nous.

Demain : Sarah!

De plus, le blogue est de retour. Alors demeurez à notre antenne.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Vieux Montreal 6321

Vieux Montreal 6321
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
Someone asked me to take pictures of doors. At first I thought it was a bizarre request, but actually, I think there might be some interesting composition out there... We shall continue the exploration of doors in the next few weeks.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Montréal le soir

Montréal le soir
Originally uploaded by Acadieman.
And we are back!! Someone squatted my domain when the registration ran out... oh well. Suckers, I guess they tought I would pay tons and tons of cash to get it back... hmmmm wrong. I really dont need it that desperately.

But since I last posted...

Remember how I was getting all happy about posting pictures. Well it got worse. I bought a new camera: Canon EOS Rebel XTi and this baby has 10 megapixels of creative power.

I know the image I am posting today seems small... Its all an illusion. Click on it, and make sure to check out the different file sizes in the "All Sizes" option of the photo's flickr page. Trust me, very pretty.

Also, dont forget, you can always see lots of my stuff on my flickr page.