Sunday, July 04, 2004

Reality TV... ok sure... reality.

Well, the TV show has finaly aired. Friday night, me and a dozen of my friends crammed into my appartment to watch the first of 2 episodes of which I am featured as a gay man in Montreal.

So far... so... well.. I don't know. I am not very excited about the editing. The comments I have been hearing so far are interesting. Some said the show was very interesting, others said, and I would have to aggree, that the way it was edited they saw a flaming queen on TV, not Gabriel. That part pisses me off. They portrayed me as this happy go lucky prancing queen, when I think in reality, I am more of a sarcastic son-of-a-whatever. Happy go lucky is defenately not what I am about. As for the prancing queen, well, I have my moments, but I don't think its 24/7... far from it actually.

So next week's episode should be of me doing the final big Esprit Triathlon and some stuff from one of my trips to Moncton. They made me keep a video diary of the trip I took when I went to Moncton in October 2003 so I got to play director and show off my family and friends. I am really anxious to see the results from that. You can go see the show synopsis for yourself.

Of course, I videotaped the whole thing. I am going to have to figure out if there are any ways of moving this into my computer somehow so I can email it around.

If you have seen the show, I would love to hear your comments in the comments link at the bottom of this article!


Anonymous said...

Hey Gabe,
When can I watch it Fr AB?? What channel??
Lv A.

Gabriel Robichaud said...

I have no idea when this is going to air nationnaly. It will later this summer on Life Network, but I have no idea when. I will let you know when it does though.