Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday Mornings 2679

Originally uploaded by Gabriel Robichaud Photography
Where has the summber gone? Its August 7th today. The summer is practically over. I have no idea what happened, but it seems like I barely had time to take a breath, and I can feel the September wind looming over the city.

Thankfully, it looks like I am finally able to breath at work. The have hired more worker bees, and I actualy have time for lunch now, and I get to go home at a decent hour. Imagine that!

I started having fun at work again. I mean enjoying my work day. But that should last until the end of this quarter. End of quarters are always a bit rough, but I think we have seen the worst of it.

On an even happier note, I managed to find some time to take some pictures over the weekend at Atwater Market. It was nice to be out shooting again.

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