Sunday, July 15, 2007

Chili Wins 4-0

Originally uploaded by Gabriel Robichaud Photography
I spent the afternoon at the FIFA World Cup U-20 Quater-Finals, Chili Vs Nigera. You can get by the look on this guy's face that Chili won! What an exciting afternoon. I was one of the 46 252 people who crammed into the Olympic Stadium to watch. What a great game. 0-0 after regulation time, and then Chili scored 4 goals in overtime. Wow. I was actually hopping to see the Nigerian team win, but it was hard not to get swept into the Chilian Pride.

I was surprised at the atmosphere. I was clear to me at that point why Soccer (or football) is so popular, and why it is called the World's Game. I think we have a lot to learn in North-America. I am so happy at the chance to experience this. If the World Cup ever comes to Canada, I will have to make sure I get a ticket.

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