Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This is your life: click away.

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Originally uploaded by Gabriel Robichaud Photography
I am fed up today. My boss started the day by asking for something that he wanted done yesturday and is somehow my fault. I already decided that I am not doing another minute of overtime. NOT ONE. If they think they can get any more work for free from me, they have another thing coming. I have plans tonight, and I am not cancelling them because my superiors can't communicate requirements on time.

Speaking of communication, apparently I suck at it. This came to me as a tremendous surprise since I am usually considered an above average communicator by most people who know me. I guess when people don't hear what they want to hear its easier to lash out than to actually accept what they are told.

I am making a decision. From this day forward, I am no longer going to be anybody's bitch. I am done bending over backwards to make others happy. This is who I am. If you don't like it, don't make it my problem. I am tired of making excuses for myself. No more. This is me, like it or not, I DON'T CARE.

I am not getting any younger. Maybe I am having an early mid life crisis, I do not really know, but I don't care. I am going to clean some aspects of my life, starting TODAY.

This job of mine, its got to go. I have been breaking my balls, typing away, slaving for a bunch of corporate block head shareholders for nothing. I don't care if I have to live in a cardboard box for the next 60 years of my life, it will be better than pretending to be happy in an office where politics and screwing your colleagues over is de rigueur!


I had to stop myself 1 hour ago from packing my cubicle and just walking out. So fed up. SO SO fed up.

You know, I have not been to the pool since last October because of this stupid job? How the hell can I get to the pool if I am working 7 days a week averaging 10 to 12 hour days? Whats the point? I am certainly not getting a salary increase or a promotion. I should just quit right now. And I think this is the single most complaint about the job. I have no personal life. NONE. This stops NOW.

I am thinking of doing some cleaning up in my personal life. There are a few negative sources that I must evacuate from my environment. Sources that are polluting my energy field with negativity, constant criticism whithout ever providing support OR being constructive. You people know who you are. The whiners, bugging me for something or other. help with this, help me with that. You know, the "Can You" people. "Can you" people are the worst. Because every sentence they utter begins with those two words. Well, here is my answer : NO I CAN'T. And I am not going to feel bad about it this time. It is going to be about me today.

This is the begining of the rest of my life, and its only going to be good from now on. My new resolutions :

- i will not work more than 40 hours a week.
- I will spend more time with my real friends. And if you are asking yourself if you are my real friend, you are probably should answer that questions with a NO, because if you were, you would know it.
- I will spend more time at the pool, at least 3 hours a week.
- I will scheule time for photography everyday.
- I will submit my work for review
- I will find another job.
- I will no longer entertain negative people.

1 comment:

Mathua said...


Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
- Dalai Lama