Sunday, September 09, 2007


This photo comes to you from the Dairy Queen near 12th on Main Street in Vancouver. This guys looks like I feel right now.

Back to work tomorrow. I'm back in my apartment in Montreal. My bags are still 100% packed. I have not even unzipped my carry on luggage yet. Its like if I wait, it somehow prolongs the vacation. As if all the stress of my daily grind would run rush out of the luggage as soon as I open it.

I did have a wonderful time in Vancouver, I will most certainly go back. I did not do anything really noteworthy while I was there, but I did manage to do nothing. That was pretty sweet. I don't often get to do nothing. While doing nothing, I thought about my work-life balance. I thought about how stressed out I am all the time how that affects my personality and my health on a daily basis.

With each passing day in Vancouver, I was using less and and less of my Asthma medication, to the point where I have not taken any in over 24 hours. That has not happened in a long time. They say stress is one of the major triggers.

I have some decisions to make with regards to work. I do not feel I can keep this pace up. Although its been great for my career over the past (almost) three years, I think its time to put the brakes on. I don't want to look back at my life in 33 years and realize I spent most of it at the office or stressing out over data problems.

It was my birthday yesterday. A very quite affair. I prefer it that way anyway. Got some nice wishes from people who matter the most. Thirty-Three years old. WOW.


Unknown said...

Guess what? I was staying four blocks away from there. I knew you were spending your BD in Vancouver, why didn't you tell me you were going to be there? :-(

Martin Cormier said...

Awesome shot:)
Well done!